Juvenile Crimes Lawyers in Lebanon
Protect the Best Interests of Your Child
At Vasek & Robbins, we have represented juveniles charged with a variety of offenses that range from unruly behavior to simple possession, to the rape of a child. The rules and procedures are drastically different than if charged as an adult.
The goal of juvenile court is to rehabilitate the child and provide resources to the child and family necessary to accomplish that goal. In defending our clients, we couple any legal defenses, factual defenses, and procedural defenses to provide the strongest opportunity for your case to be successful.
In formulating a defense tailored to each of our young clients, our Lebanon juvenile crime attorneys believe being proactive in each case is key to obtaining a resolution that protects a child’s juvenile record and limits their contact with the justice system. That may include obtaining drug screens, school records, or other documentation to target the rehabilitation goal from the outset.
Understanding the Risks of Adult Charges for Minors
In some circumstances, the State or Prosecutor will file a Petition to transfer the juvenile case to criminal court to try that child as an adult. This is particularly dangerous as it subjects a child to prison time and a felony adult record.
We have successfully represented clients facing a Petition to Transfer and understand what matters.
If you have found yourself needing skilled criminal defense representation for your child, contact us today at (615) 488-7949 to discuss what needs to be done before your first court date.

Why Choose Our Firm?
Don't Risk Your Future-
Over 15 Years of Combined Legal Experience
Our Approach Is Client Focused
Our Firm Believes in Transparent Communication
Knowledgeable & Experienced Attorneys Ready to Handle Your Case
Our Firm Is Top-Rated & Award-Winning